
We believe the work you do is essential to the public’s quality of life.

在LBMC, we understand these demands and offer a wealth of experience with government and public agencies. We can help you plan and manage so your agency can overcome financial challenges and achieve new levels of public service.

As a government entity, you provide services that we cannot (or would not want to) live without. 同时, your organization is under extreme regulatory scrutiny and tremendous public pressure to make every penny count. You are expected to provide much-needed public services under a tight budget—often, a budget that gets tighter each year—while navigating a complex and shifting regulatory environment.

We understand the unique reporting and audit requirements of governmental entities. Beyond the basic reporting requirements, governmental entities have the responsibility to demonstrate their fiscal accountability and compliance with restrictions on the use of resources in connection with annual budgets and federal and state grantors.

Members of the LBMC 政府 Services Team work closely with the management, 审计委员会, 委员会成员, and the boards of directors of numerous governmental entities. Our firm is one of the few in our region that has placed an emphasis and specialized in servicing governmental entities.

We take pride in meeting and exceeding our client’s expectations. We provide clear and open lines of communication and commit to performing our services at convenient times for our clients. At the beginning of each audit engagement, we establish an engagement timeline that fits the needs of our clients.

Our services are available remotely, 面对面, or through hybrid engagements that blend the best of both worlds. Our professionals use sophisticated audit technology that enables both parties to upload files and monitor the progress of the audit through an intuitive digital dashboard.


  • 县市
  • 国家机构
  • Public and Private Colleges and Universities
  • 停车当局
  • 准政府盈利
  • 公立学区
  • Higher Education Assistance Authorities
  • 综合护理中心
  • 养老金计划

Our services for government industries often include:

  • 财务报表审计
  • Internal audit and risk advisory services
  • 商定的程序
  • Data Collection Form filings for the Single 审计 Reporting Package
  • 认证费用
  • 税 Increments Financing (“TIF”) certifications
  • 审核学校活动经费
  • Information technology – review of controls
  • Single audits in accordance with the Uniform Guidance
  • 合规审计
  • New accounting standards implementation including FASB and GASB standards
  • Real Estate Assessment Center (“REAC”) filings
  • HUD合规性审计
  • 审计s of Workers’ Compensation Funds
在政府, you face challenges that cross numerous disciplines, and it brings our clients peace of mind to know that—although we specialize in government work—we approach each issue with a wide range of expertise.